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Make play-cms cache agnostic

Raphael Mäder requested to merge jcache into feature/remove-deprications

Use JCache API to work with cache. It allows to make play-cms use any cache provider that supports JCache API. List of appliable cahces could be found here:

This MR also introduces 2 new pluggable modules to make play-cms work with the various cache providers:

  • play-cache-ehcache - for local or non clustered usage.
  • play-cache-redis - for cluster solutions.

One of the caches should be added as project dependency, otherwise play-cms would fail to start.

play-cache-redis uses redisson client. In order to configure client cms.cache.redis config key could be used. It supports all settings listed at except the codec.class . Codec is always overriden and provided to client via DI.

Merge request reports