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Introduce Liquibase into play-cms

Anton Sudak requested to merge a.sudak/play-cms:liquibase into master

Liquibase is a tool that allows to safely migrate db versions. This merge request introduces new play-cms module that provides db changelogs for all the changes made between play-cms releases in liquibase format.

In order to use new module it is required to be added into a project dependencies:

libraryDependencies += "ch.insign" %% "play-liquibase" % Settings.playCmsVersion

Once it is done liquibase migrations would be enabled automatically. User still would be required to configure liquibase connection as it described here.

If cms user overrides entry changelog he should add into his changelog following log:

<include file="liquibase/play-cms-master.xml"/>

This would keep play-cms changelogs applied.

This change won't break existing projects since all changes were moved into separate module that should be explicitly added into a project dependencies.

Edited by Anton Sudak

Merge request reports